THIS EVENT HAS MOVED TO THE ESPERANCE SENIOR CITIZENS’S CENTRE-located Forrest Street, opposite the Boulevard Shopping Centre
Join the founders of the acclaimed touring theatre troupe Come you Spirits, and feel how good it is for the soul to speak and play with Shakespeare. When was the last time you spoke poetry? Spoke Shakespeare? The characters in A Midsummer Night’s Dream are always ripe for plucking and creating anew. When we play with the script and add colours from our own lives, our understanding of the story becomes deeply connected and expands within us. Merge your rich life experience with these timeless characters, exploring any questions you have, making new connections to others and investigating the text with the Come you Spirits actors who work with Shakespeare’s words every day and love seeing how it brings out the magic in everyone. Bite-sized snippets from A Midsummer Night’s Dream will springboard discussion, sharing, laughter and learning as a community.
$20 per person
Enquiries email phone 0416 635 880
Supported by the Shire of Esperance and the Cannery Arts Centre for the Winter Solstice Festival